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The Role of Insurance Companies in Personal Injury Cases

You’ve been in a motor vehicle accident and need to make an insurance claim to compensate you for your injuries and losses. It’s natural to assume that the insurance company will act fairly and pay you what you deserve.

The truth? Ontario automobile insurance companies are businesses, and they often prioritize profits over fair compensation. Let’s talk about the role auto insurers play in personal injury cases and discuss pitfalls to avoid when dealing with insurance companies after an injury.

We strongly believe that the best way to protect yourself is by having your own independent legal representation. The Sault Ste. Marie personal injury lawyers at Feifel Gualazzi represent injured victims ONLY and NOT insurance companies. We welcome you to contact us today for advice.

Reporting the accident to the auto insurance company

role of insurance company after accident

In Ontario, you must file a report to the insurance company within seven days of a car accident. Failing to report within a reasonable amount of time can result in your claim being denied. When you make your initial accident report, you’ll need to provide information including details of the accident, your injuries, and the other parties involved.

Once your accident report has been filed, you will be contacted by a claims adjuster. Their job is to investigate your claim and decide how much coverage the insurance company is responsible for. The adjuster will ask you to complete and submit forms detailing your injuries and damages. You’ll be asked to provide additional details of your injuries and treatment plans from your healthcare provider, among other things. The claims adjuster will encourage you to speak freely and share as much information as possible.

How the insurance company processes personal injury claims

The stakes are high. The insurance company uses what you tell them and the documents you share with them to determine critical issues including:

·       whether your claim is covered by the policy

·       how much of your claim they’ll cover

·       who was at fault for the accident

·       the severity of your injuries

·       whether your injuries were caused by the accident or pre-existing/unrelated

·       how much they think your claim is worth

Insurance adjusters and claims examiners may seem friendly and helpful—especially early in the claims process—but make no mistake: their goal is to close your claim as quickly as possible, for as little money as possible. All insurance adjusters and claims examiners work for the insurance company, and the insurance company is in the business of making money. They do this by denying claims, delaying claims, and making low-ball settlement offers—even to their own injured clients.

Pitfalls to avoid when communicating with the insurance company

Our team of Sault Ste. Marie personal injury lawyers do not believe that an injured person is on a level playing field when dealing with an insurance company. Representatives of the insurer deal exclusively with insurance law and are clearly acting for and being paid by the insurance company. They are trained to scrutinize every aspect of your claim, and they regularly use tactics to minimize the value of a claim. Here are tips to avoid falling prey to those tactics:

1.      Don’t provide written or recorded statements without first understanding your legal rights. Any statements can be used to deny or reduce your claim. 

2.      Don’t sign any waivers, consents, or authorizations from the insurance company without getting legal advice. You may be signing something that isn’t in your best interests.

3.      Don’t accept the insurance company’s fault determination if you believe it’s wrong. They will often blame the accident victim in an attempt to reduce their exposure. 

4.      Don’t be too quick to accept the first settlement offer. In many cases, it’s a mere fraction of the full value of the claim.

5.      Don’t accept a settlement offer until the full extent of your injuries is known. You may be stuck with a settlement that doesn’t compensate you for the true impact of the injuries, the costs of your future care needs, the value of income you’ll lose in the future, etc.  

Get Trusted Advice from Our Team of Personal Injury Lawyers

Sault Ste. Marie law firm Feifel Gualazzi can help you navigate the insurance process and get you the settlement you deserve. Insurance companies often want to rush through the process to get away with paying out as little as possible. Promptly seeking legal representation will ensure you understand the full picture and the options available to you. To schedule a free consultation, contact us today!

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car, ATV, motorcycle, bicycle, pedestrian, or snowmobile accident, contact the Sault Ste. Marie personal injury lawyers at Feifel Gualazzi. We focus exclusively on car accident claims, and we’ll help you determine how much you are entitled to claim as compensation for your injuries and losses.

Our personal injury lawyers in Sault Ste. Marie proudly serve local residents and residents of the surrounding Algoma District.

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